We love dogs! There we said it. Few things are more pure than our dog’s love and excitement to see us after a long day at the office, out in the field, teaching, or whatever we do for our chosen career. During the pandemic, dogs emerged as unsung heroes, profoundly improving our mental health as we were quarantined and isolated at home. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, dogs have been loyal companions, reducing stress and anxiety and, in the case of service dogs, providing life-saving intervention and support.

Sadly, not all dogs are so lucky. Countless dogs find themselves in shelters, rescues, or other unfortunate situations, waiting for their forever home. Some dogs spend years in no-kill shelters, while others are euthanized due to severe overpopulation. Unfortunately, the truth is that our local shelters and rescues are bursting at the seams and underresourced. They are doing their best but need their local communities’ help in many capacities.

As dog lovers, we founded Underdog Adventures to support shelters and rescue organizations in finding as many homes for adoptable dogs as possible. We aim to prioritize the most vulnerable dogs, such as long-term shelter residents, dogs flagged for euthanasia due to overcrowding, and dogs deemed less adoptable due to age or breed stigma.

Addressing Shelter Challenges

Our mission is to harness the power of volunteers to support local shelters and rescues during adoption events and provide dogs with opportunities for socialization and exposure to potential families. This initiative is especially crucial due to the challenges of understaffing at facilities. By mobilizing a dedicated volunteer force, we aim to bridge this staffing gap and remove the barrier that operating hours pose for eligible families interested in adoption, allowing them to connect with shelter dogs outside traditional schedules.

Underdog Adventures’ approach fosters meaningful interactions between shelter dogs and potential adopters, ultimately resulting in increased adoptions and reduced euthanizations, thus transforming the lives of both dogs and their future families.

A Vision for Every Dog

Our vision is to create a world where every dog finds its forever home, cherished for the unique and loving companion it is, ensuring that every underdog has their day. We believe every dog has a unique personality and charm, just waiting to shine!